For the first time, people need not own an historical manor or mountain hotel in order to boast of a spirit-in-residence. Dr. Best House, known for the tragedies that befell its family, and still home to medical and surgical equipment and oddities (dating back to the Civil War), has partnered with home services app, Handy (, which more typically offers cleaners on-demand, in order to provide offices and homes with a ghost ‘on-demand’.
Through the Handy platform, users will be able to enter into a competition draw to receive a plant from the grounds of Dr. Best House: with the possibility that one of the ghosts who roam its haunted grounds will accompany the shrub to its new residence.
To register an interest in receiving a haunted Dr Best House shrub (plants are limited), would-be ghost-hosts should download the Handy app (available on both iOS or Android) or visit for more information.

Read More: Dr. Best House & Medical Museum