Showing posts with label flying saucer. Show all posts
Witnesses see a crazy fast UFO over NYC

Witnesses see a crazy fast UFO over NYC

Red Object spotted over NYC sky The truth is out there — and it’s hovering over The Bronx. A mysterious light in the sky so freaked out some...
Police confirm UFO sighting in Pennsylvania (video)

Police confirm UFO sighting in Pennsylvania (video)

Stephanie Wilkerson was enjoying a glass of wine on her porch Monday night when she looked up in the sky and saw something that caught her ...
Mysterious Blue UFO In The Sky (video)

Mysterious Blue UFO In The Sky (video)

A blue-colored UFO, videotaped by a Netherlands resident, remains unexplained. Blue? That's something new. OpenMinds.TV reports that, o...
UFO caught on trailcam watching deer (video)

UFO caught on trailcam watching deer (video)

JACKSON COUNTY, MS (WLOX) - They were caught on camera the night of February 16. Mysterious lights that appeared in the sky over the 150 a...