Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Haunted House Show On Tv. Sort by date Show all posts
The Top 10 HAUNTED HOMES for sale!

The Top 10 HAUNTED HOMES for sale!

10. Ozzie the Ghost! Some people believe the Ozzie & Harriet home is haunted, but of course in Hollywood where creativity is the norm, ...
15 Haunted Colleges: Of Course New Jersey is Included

15 Haunted Colleges: Of Course New Jersey is Included

Halloween is getting closer, and I’ve got even more spooky stories from college campuses in my trick or treat bag. Last time, I was just pla...
Ghost’ attacks news photojournalist in Pennsylvania home (video)

Ghost’ attacks news photojournalist in Pennsylvania home (video)

HANOVER, Penn. — A local Pennsylvania news crew went to do a report on a so called “haunted” house which was to be featured this weekend on...
10 Paranormal Movies "loosely" Based on True Events (video)

10 Paranormal Movies "loosely" Based on True Events (video)

Movies based around the paranormal have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Thanks to Paranormal Activity , the paranormal...