A Science Channel show is making waves about the Bermuda Triangle this week. It appears to have claimed that the “mystery” of the region is solved — except that’s not at all what the scientist interviewed intended.
The “What on Earth” segment portrays Randall Cerveny, director of the meteorology department at Arizona State University, as having discovered the secret to the mysterious disappearances, sinkings and crashes that have occurred in the famous region east of the Bahamas. Or at least, he appears to think he has the answer, when in reality he has no interest in anything having to do with the Bermuda Triangle.
“The editing on this was horrendous,” Cerveny told The Washington Post. “I was really upset when I saw this.”
Lots of other people are seeing it now, too. After the segment aired in the United Kingdom, the U.K.-based Sun newspaper published an article online with this headline:
Scientists claim 170 mph ‘air bombs’ capable of downing planes and ships could unlock mystery of notorious stretch of sea
Then the New York Post picked it up:
Read More: The Washington Post
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The "Bermuda Triangle" has not been solved,.according to this "poorly edited" scientist
The "Bermuda Triangle" has not been solved,.according to this "poorly edited" scientist
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Related : The "Bermuda Triangle" has not been solved,.according to this "poorly edited" scientist
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