A 14-year-old girl with a history of serious health issues lay dying of pneumonia in a hospital room. But as her mother waited for the girl to take her last breath, an image of bright light appeared on a security monitor. Within an hour, the dying girl began a recovery that doctors are at a loss to explain.
But Colleen Banton, the girl's mother, has an explanation. "This was an image of an angel," she told NBC News in a story reported Tuesday on TODAY. She credited the apparition with saving the life of her daughter Chelsea.
The incident happened in Charlotte, N.C., Chelsea had been born five weeks prematurely with developmental disabilities and had battled serious health problems all her life.
She is particularly susceptible to the types of pneumonia infections that had taken her to death's door. Told that there was no hope for Chelsea, Colleen Banton had just instructed doctors to take her daughter off life support and allow nature to take its course when the apparition was seen.
It would be another two months before Chelsea finally left the hospital to return home, where she is about to celebrate her 15th birthday as well as Christmas. Her mother is convinced that Chelsea was saved by divine intervention.
Source: Youtube
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Angel caught on security camera at hospital (video)
Angel caught on security camera at hospital (video)
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