Leading "Psychics" give psychic predictions for 2013

SOME PEOPLE THINK 13 is an unlucky number. Does that mean 2013 will be an unlucky year? Unluckier than most, that is. Or will it be another mix of triumphs and letdowns, gorgeous weather and climatic disasters, peace agreements and war? There are people who predict the future for such things for a living. Here is a roundup of what some of the top psychics, seers, and mentalists say is in store for us in 2013.

LaMont Hamilton

LaMont Hamilton
LaMont "Monte" Hamilton is an ordained minister, Reiki Master healing practitioner, registered hypnotherapist, and holds multiple degrees in business, psychology, and education, and has worked in the paranormal field full time for over 25 years.
  • Finally, a new comprehensive major immigration reform law will be signed into law by the end of summer due to bipartisan support.
  • A global U.N. tax will be enacted this year to help fund disaster relief and poverty.
  • A mind-to-mind telepathic telecommunication device will be developed for the mentally ill to help people communicate better.
  • Philadelphia, New Hampshire, and/or Connecticut will experience the affects of an earthquake after church bells ring from the aftershocks this year.
  • A truce is seen in the Middle East before late summer after one or more spiritual leaders emerge in the region to bring stability to several countries now in conflict.
  • Supreme Court Justice Ruth Gingrich steps down from the Supreme Court after an illness.
  • Prince William and Kate will have a baby girl, whom many will believe is the reincarnation of Princess Diana.
  • The New Madrid fault line will become more active this year from late summer to late October.
  • Three airlines will merge into one umbrella company after another major carrier goes bankrupt in the U.S.
  • A political revolution will attempt to bring down the Saudi Arabian dynasty this year after another King or Prince dies.
  • A severe drought in the Southern U.S., greater than seen in over 100 years will begin in February that dries up a portion of the Mississippi River or major tributaries completely in some areas.
  • Square or tubular UFOs will be commonly reported, with more sightings around military installations, including the Middle-East and Israel.
  • At least 2 cosmic events will create news this year related to asteroids/comets headed to Earth, with the first one occurring around April when an object heads toward Earth.
  • President Obama's fascination with the history of Abraham Lincoln will eventually lead him to pen a book about the former president.
  • Breathing issues/illness pertaining to Pope Benedict XVI are seen, which could be related to pneumonia.
  • New broader and more specific civil rights legislation coming dealing with immigrants, the handicapped, minorities, gays and lesbians, and the mentally ill.
  • In a move to streamline the Federal Government, multiple U.S. agencies will be combined under one director, which include one or more of the following departments: EPA, FAA, HUD, FDA, DOE, DOT, NOAA, etc.
  • The new and emerging 3D and 4D movie theaters will make some people sick and nauseated after watching some films.
  • The common social notion of "political correctness" in our society starts to become the norm as traditional religious and political viewpoints are replaced and become unpopular in the future.
Vicki Monroe
This Maine-based psychic correctly predicted President Barack Obama winning a second term, the Red Sox missing the World Series, and the world not tanking on Dec. 21.
  • Congress will deal with gun control: Automatic weapons and high-powered rifles, semi-automatics that belong in war zones will be removed, and only used in situations where they are absolutely necessary.
  • It is going to be a milder-than-usual winter, although we will get more of a mixed precipitation.
  • No New England Patriots in the Super Bowl and no Boston Red Sox in the World Series.
  • Researchers will make advances linking cancer and stress, she said. They'll also have news on the drug front.
  • The spirits don't see newly engaged Kelly Clarkson living happily ever after, but they see Justin Bieber making movies.
  • Tom Cruise will leave the church of Scientology. It has something to do with his daughter and recent divorce.
  • Expect an upset at the Academy Awards: Bradley Cooper for best actor over Daniel Day Lewis. Sally Field for best actress. Lincoln for best picture and Quentin Tarantino for best director.


In 2012, Nikki -- "Psychic to the Stars" -- predicted a pregnancy for Kate and Prince William, the split between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and the split of Katy Perry and Russell Brand, Meryl Streep's Academy Award, the death of Whitney Houston, Hurricane Sandy, and the passing of Dick Clark, Ernest Borgnine and Phyllis Diller. Here's what she sees for 2013:
  • A fire and explosion at a subway in New York City kills many.
  • A chemical attack on the United States.
  • Another cruise ship breaks in half.
  • Another Super Storm like Sandy hitting the USA, Canada and Europe.
  • Nuclear attack on New York.
  • A huge earthquake in the Caribbean.
  • Cuba and Puerto Rico becoming part of the USA.
  • A weather satellite will come crashing into a building.
  • A huge earthquake in St. Louis, Missouri, Chicago and Tennessee.
  • The map of the world will change due to catastrophic events happening around the globe.
  • Experimental monkeys escape from a lab causing a pandemic.
  • Giant prehistoric sea monsters under the sea.
  • A possible landing of a spaceship.
  • An attack on the Vatican and Pope.
  • Daniel Day Lewis nominated for an Oscar for Lincoln.
  • Jack Nicholson hospitalized.
  • Another sex scandal around Arnold Schwarzenegger and has to watch his health.
  • An earthquake of great magnitude wiping out Mexico City.
  • Giant tornadoes in Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, California, Missouri, and Tennessee.
  • An assassination attempt around Queen Elizabeth.

Sidney Friedman

Sidney Friedman
Sidney "SidneySeer" Friedman claims a documented predictions accuracy of 71%, and a near 100% success rate with his Oscar predictions, missing only twice. His predictions have been covered by all the major television networks as well as hundreds of radio programs.
  • Contrary to current tension, and against all reasoned historical probability, there is an unusual, unexpected calm with a period of peaceful understanding in the Middle East by summer of this year between either Israel and the Palestinians, or Israel and Iran, achieved not by political leaders, but by common citizens.
  • In a quasi shake-up, Jimmy Fallon is named host of NBC-TV's Tonight Show, replacing Jay Leno.
  • With stiff competition from potential nominees Helen Hunt, Sally Field and others, I see Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables) triumphantly holding the OSCAR for Best Supporting Actress. Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln) will win the Best Supporting Actor OSCAR.
  • A new, odd, unexpected source of fuel for cars, trucks and/or machinery is announced.
  • What this exactly means, I don't know, but for a time, a huge portion of the internet goes dark.
  • Christina Aguilera goes on some type of retreat and in the process returns significantly slimmer.
  • A shock of white light is seen in the night sky in several regions of the country this winter or spring.
  • While I truly hope this does not occur, I foresee a medical condition that sidelines Vice President Joe Biden.
  • A huge discovery is made, or a significant event occurs, regarding solar flares.
  • A plague-like pandemic affects populations in Europe and to some extent in the USA. Much of it ironically occurs in hospitals.
  • A tech company will announce in 2013 (or at the latest by summer 2014), a flexible tablet that rolls up or folds up.
  • Apple announces and releases a "mini iPhone" geared toward children and also under-served populations around the world. Apple finally launches a "smart TV."
  • In spite of negative reviews and a shaky launch, Windows 8 sees excellent signs of catching on.

Judy Hevenly

Judy Hevenly
Judy Hevenly is a teacher, astrologer, and writer, whose forecasts have appeared in many publications and newspapers worldwide. Her clientele includes royalty, former presidents, Hollywood movie stars, and heads of state. Judy was also called in to work at the O.J. Simpson trial. She is featured in the book, The 100 Top Psychics in America.
  • President Obama will spend more time on foreign policy, discussing trade with Xi Jinping of China. New trade agreements drawn up to benefit both countries financially.
  • An unexpected vacancy on the Supreme Court moves a conservative court to a liberal one.
  • Susan Rice appointed National Security Advisor.
  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo re-elected; Gov. Chris Christie wins re-election in New Jersey.
  • Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist shot by members of the Taliban for arguing for equal education for girls in Pakistan, receives the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize for standing up for girls' education in her country.
  • Dr. Dre, the rap music legend, stars in Las Vegas stage play, which brings him much acclaim.
  • Tim Tebow gets offer to play in Canadian Football League.
  • Amazon will announce it is coming out with its own smartphone.
  • Palestinians certain to win U.N. recognition as a state.
  • Meditation proves to be the gateway to contact loved ones on the other side.
  • Earthquakes felt in California, New Zealand and Japan at magnitudes 5.7 to 6.2.
  • Major wildfires in Canada.

Blair Robertson

Blair Robertson
His past predictions include the Japanese 8.9 earthquake and tsunami, Whitney Houston 's death, sinking of the Costa Concordia, the train fire in India, William and Kate's pregnancy, accurately predicting the Oscars, and more. The Washington Times called him their "favorite prognosticator."
  • A boxer will be killed in the ring (or die shortly thereafter) within the year.
  • A famous boxing legend will pass this year.
  • Rihanna and Chris Brown will get engaged.
  • It will be revealed that Vice President Joe Biden has been under medical care for senile dementia. I predicted his ailment back in 2012.
  • 2013 will see the passing of a number of former world heads of state as well as their spouses.
  • Japan and China tensions will greatly escalate in the spring.
  • Watch for news of a propane tank explosion on the east coast of the US that destroys a "complex."
  • Another very large earthquake for Japan and subsequent tsunami within 60 days. I pray I am wrong.
  • Fewer tornadoes for the USA, but those that do hit will be much more devastating in their power. A possible large one for western Ontario in late April.
  • Generally bad weather for the southeast and a hurricane that makes landfall in Florida this fall.
  • Unusual levels of volcanic activity around the Pacific Rim, particularly mid 2013.
  • Watch for news of mine disaster in China within 3 months. Many deaths.
  • Fashion tragedy: I predict the return of mesh shirts for men.
  • Worldwide, we will see more mysterious mass bird deaths and tens of thousands of fish washing up on shore throughout the year. Conspiracy theories will abound.
  • A breast cancer breakthrough.
  • There will be an unusual amount of people reporting that their diabetes has disappeared. I don't know if this is a "breakthrough," but it will puzzle the medical profession.
  • I'm seeing an animal removed from the endangered species list this year. I hope it is for a positive reason.
  • A massive space collision or accident affecting satellites and communications.
  • The next doomsday "fad" will be solar flares.

Craig and Jane Hamilton-Parker

Craig and Jane Hamilton-Parker
This U.K. based psychic couple scored many hits with their 2012 predictions. Here's what they forecast for 2013:

Craig's predictions:
  • 2013 is going to be another tough years with continued financial troubles and escalating world conflicts but despite many wold problems 2013 will be the start of a growing spirituality throughout the world.
  • In the early part of 2013 – possibly January of February – there will be war in the Middle East. Israel with strike Iran with a full on attack at its nuclear programme but fail to destroy some of the more heavily entrenched facilities leaving quantities of uranium available for dirty bombs. The Israeli/Iranian conflict will escalate and conflicts will spill over to Syria.
  • There is going to be a second revolution in China and in June 2013 we’ll see the start of this. This will not be anything like the sweeping Maoist Revolution, instead there will be calls for greater democracy in the regions.
  • In Europe I see the start of an advertising-free search engine funded by the EU on a similar model to the BBC.
Jane's predictions:
  • There are mixed blessings for the Royal Family. I feel that in May 2013 there will be a surprise announcement that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, will announce that she is pregnant. There will be huge press interest.
  • Simon Cowell will become more spiritual. His sudden and unexpected move away from materialism and celebrity worship will catch the press by surprise and for a while his genuinely held views will be mocked by a skeptical press.
  • 2013 will continue to see terrible climate and in particular I see a major landslide on the English Coastline. I believe that this will be at Black Gang Chine in the Isle of Wight. I also see severe weather around the world with an unprecedented and severe storm devastating Hawaii.
  • 2013 is also going to be a hard year for many with extensive benefits cuts triggering riots. I see also that immigrants from Eastern Europe may be targeted in racially motivated attacks that play into the hardship being experienced by may unemployed people in the UK.

The Amazing Kreskin

The Amazing Kreskin
The Amazing Kreskin has, for some six decades, dramatized the unique facets of the human mind…his own. His very name has become an integral part of pop culture throughout the world, invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories, and TV shows from sitcoms on through national magazines.
  • The biggest movie stars will come cheap because Hollywood is in bog trouble. Much movie making will move to India.
  • The return of the gossip columnist -- from people on the street.
  • College students will find it harder and harder to find jobs.
  • Families will rediscover the family dinner table.
Source: About.com

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Related : Leading "Psychics" give psychic predictions for 2013