BLOOMFIELD (KDKA) — The owner of a pizza shop in Bloomfield believes the security camera outside his store picked up the image of an angel.
Bob Usner, from Adrian’s Pizza on Pearl Street, was checking video from overnight when he found the shot of the parking lot taken around 6 a.m. Friday. In the upper part of the screen is a white image with a distinctive shape.
“You can see a face up at the very top and you can see the hands and you can see the wings,” said Usner.
Usner believes it’s a sign from his dad. Anthony Usner was a 30-year veteran of the Pittsburgh Police who died two years ago.
His dad helped him get the pizza shop. But business has been tough lately, and he’s been thinking about closing.
“Maybe my dad coming down to help me,” said Usner.
Both he and his sister, Carol Goerk, view the image as a sign of encouragement from their dad.
Word is spreading about the angelic surveillance video. A group of nuns from a nearby convent stopped over to view the image Friday night.
When asked if there could another explanation for the image, maybe a spider web or a lens flare, Usner said the camera has never captured anything like this.
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Source: KDKA 2 Pittsburgh
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Pizza Shop Owner Spots Angel In Security Camera Footage
Pizza Shop Owner Spots Angel In Security Camera Footage
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