Showing posts with label Voodoo. Show all posts
5 Creepy Voodoo & Witchcraft Stories

5 Creepy Voodoo & Witchcraft Stories

From the story of Robert the doll to a curse placed on a woman by a gypsy, today we step into the world of paranormal activities with the to...
Ghost of Hurricane Katrina victim allegedly haunts New Orleans burger joint

Ghost of Hurricane Katrina victim allegedly haunts New Orleans burger joint

New Orleans (WGNO) -- The guys who run one of the newer, hip burger places in town started to think that they might be possibly being haun...
The Legend of Annie Palmer: The White Witch of Jamaica

The Legend of Annie Palmer: The White Witch of Jamaica

By Connie Motz . It was a hot humid afternoon on a lazy Jamaican day. I had arrived by cruise ship at Montego Bay earlier that morning. Whe...