Showing posts with label Top 10. Show all posts

10 Most Bizarre Ancient Egypt Discoveries

There are things in Egypt that have been hidden for years and have recently been unearthed like temples, lost cities and alien daggers! What...

10 Bizarre Cases of Demonic Possession

Strange cases of people being possessed by demons and spirits these stories will scare you and make you wonder if they are real.  What do yo...

10 Disturbing Alien Abductions

Are we alone in the Universe? These people certainly believe that we aren’t. Alltime 10s brings you 10 of the creepiest, spine-chilling tale...

10 Real Aliens Caught On Tape

With an estimated hundred billion galaxies, I find it hard to believe there isn't more life out there. The real question is where life c...

10 Ancient Sites That Might Be Stargates, Portals, Or Wormholes

Many ancient cultures speak of portals to other worlds and gateways to star systems where their “creators” reside. Conventional wisdom tells...

10 People Who Predicted The Future

Apparently some people really have made accurate future predictions. Of these people, some are employed by huge corporations, like Google. A...

Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Japan

From the Doryodo Ruins to the Round Schoolhouse Ruins, here is a look at ten of the most haunted places in Japan. and check this out. THIS W...

Top 10 Bizarre Alternate Theories of History

For every intelligent, logical theory about the world's history, there's one that is just strange. What do you think? and check this...

10 Strongest Signs of Aliens and Alien Life

Are we alone? It’s a question that many hope to have answered, and some believe they already have the answer to. Some scientists maintain th...

10 Secrets Of Ancient Egypt

From who built the pyramids, to what happened to Tutankhamun, AllTime10s brings you, the 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt. What do you think? and...

10 Creepy Messages From Serial Killers

Serial killers aren't exactly known for making good decisions. But among their worst decisions is the common mistake of sending anonymou...

Earth's 10 Most Mysterious Events

From 'The Toxic Lady' to 'The Hum', Hybrid Lybrarian takes a look at the earth's most mysterious events. What do you thi...

10 Mysterious Artifacts That Should Not Exist

From the Voynich Manuscript to the Antikythera Mechanism, here is a look at ten mysterious artifacts that should not exist. What do you thin...

10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

People the world over claim to have had encounters with strange beings from other worlds. Who or what are they encountering? Note: These sto...

The 10 Freakiest Creepypastas Ever Told

From 'The Rake' to 'Robert the Doll' here is a look at ten of the freakiest creepypastas ever told. Sit back and enjoy. and ...

Top 10 Mythical Creatures and Gods Of Norse Mythology

Warrior Vikings, and endless battles before the feast in Valhalla. So grab some mead, and swill it down while we journey through the tales o...

The 10 Creepiest Places On Earth!

In this Top 10, is a list of places on this earth that are the absolute scariest to visit! The island of the dolls!? Suicide forest!? An oss...

Top 10 Most Haunted Places On Earth

Disembodied screams, shadowy figures and mysterious movements lurk in these terrifying haunted places! The big question is do you believe in...

10 Most Mysterious Places on Earth

From the mysterious Overtoun Bridge to the deadly Dyatlov Pass Incident, here are the 10 Most Mysterious Places on Earth. What do you think?...

10 Creepiest True Stories Ever Told

From the mysterious disappearance of Elisa Lam, to the Congelier mansion, here are 10 Of The Creepiest True Stories Ever Told. and check thi...