Showing posts with label Strange. Show all posts
Teleportation Alien Jinn Child Caught In Nepal CCTV - Breakdown

Teleportation Alien Jinn Child Caught In Nepal CCTV - Breakdown

Is this a video of an alien or jinn teleporting onto the streets of Nepal? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this mysterious vide...
The Bonfire Night Entity

The Bonfire Night Entity

Beyond Creepy looks at a case from 1953 in which two boys claim they encountered a strange creature on Bonfire Night. What do you think? and...
The Strange Case of Sam Rogers and the Bees

The Strange Case of Sam Rogers and the Bees

Beyond Creepy looks at a case involving a beekeeper who died and the strange event that followed. What do you think? and check this out. THI...
8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You

8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You

Are Ouija boards only simple kids toys or are they more sinister. Here are 8 REAL Ouija Board Horror Stories That Will TERRIFY You! What do ...
5 Most Mysterious Deaths We Will Never Be Able to Explain

5 Most Mysterious Deaths We Will Never Be Able to Explain

Dark 5 presents 5 strange and creepy deaths that occurred under mysterious circumstances and may never be explained... What do you think? a...
5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps

5 Creepy Sounds Picked Up On Sleep Recording Apps

If you've ever used a sleep recording app to try and capture what you say at night, it may have crossed your mind that what if you woke ...
5 Strange & Mysterious Videos That Need Explaining

5 Strange & Mysterious Videos That Need Explaining

Whether it's a video of what some would like to believe is a "teleportation" caught on a dash cam, to one of the strangest tut...
5 Most Mysterious Stories from Creepy Islands

5 Most Mysterious Stories from Creepy Islands

5 most mysterious islands with creepy unsolved mysteries... What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
Creepy Halloween Urban Legends That Tuned Out To Be True

Creepy Halloween Urban Legends That Tuned Out To Be True

The Fortean Slip Episode 129 This week Chris and the fellas talk about Halloween urban legends that turned out to be true. They also talk ab...
13 Creepiest TRUE Real Life Halloween Stories

13 Creepiest TRUE Real Life Halloween Stories

Halloween is a time when we dress up as ghosts and goblins and tell mythical horror tales. But not every horror story from Halloween is made...
5 Incredibly Creepy & Chilling Paranormal Photographs

5 Incredibly Creepy & Chilling Paranormal Photographs

From a possible ghost that haunts a Toys R Us in California, to one of the oldest paranormal photographs ever taken. Here are five super cre...
5 True Fairy Scary Stories

5 True Fairy Scary Stories

The Fae, or fairies, are mythical creatures appearing in short stories, scary stories, and fairy tales across the globe. They come in many d...
Top 7 Strangest Alien Encounters

Top 7 Strangest Alien Encounters

By their very definition alien encounters are always going to be weird, but some people's stories of abduction and molestation by beings...
5 Islands That Mysteriously Vanished From The Face Of The Planet

5 Islands That Mysteriously Vanished From The Face Of The Planet

The thought that an island could seemingly completely vanish is hard to comprehend, yet there are many stories of islands being spotted and ...
Strange People

Strange People

Beyond Creepy looks at cases in which witnesses claim to have encountered very odd people. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCA...
10 Creepiest Unsolved Disappearances

10 Creepiest Unsolved Disappearances

Unexplained disappearances are always chilling. You have no idea if they're even alive as they may have been murdered, but some disappea...
5 Freaky Paranormal Police Dash Cam Footages!

5 Freaky Paranormal Police Dash Cam Footages!

From 'The Ghost Car' to 'The Woman in the Woods', here is a look at five freaky paranormal police dash cam footages. What do...
10 Creepy Poltergeists Caught on Tape

10 Creepy Poltergeists Caught on Tape

According to folklore a Poltergeist is a ghost who causes some kind of disturbance. It could be by moving objects, making noises, or physica...
Freemasons: 3 Weird Things About The House of The Temple

Freemasons: 3 Weird Things About The House of The Temple

In this episode, Ben and Matt travel to DC for a closer look at the famous House of the Temple. Tune in to learn more about the odd history ...
15 Amazing Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened

15 Amazing Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened

Is the world full of mere coincidences? Here is a look at fifteen amazing coincidences that you won't believe happened. What do you thin...