Showing posts with label Robotics. Show all posts
Introducing SpotMini And The Dawn Of Robots

Introducing SpotMini And The Dawn Of Robots

Boston Dynamics unveiled its new robot named SpotMini. SpotMini is a new smaller version of the Spot robot, weighing 55 lbs dripping wet (65...
Amazing Bike Riding Robot! Can Cycle, Balance, Steer, and Correct Itself

Amazing Bike Riding Robot! Can Cycle, Balance, Steer, and Correct Itself

An older video but still a reminder of how close we are to robots that can think, act and problem solve on the go. Check it out. and here ar...
8 Terrifying Robots That Will Eventually Take Over The World

8 Terrifying Robots That Will Eventually Take Over The World

The robot apocalypse may begin with these Robots. and check out this episode of The Fortean Slip. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
Freaky AI Robot Will Put Us All In A People Zoo

Freaky AI Robot Will Put Us All In A People Zoo

This is an older video of an interviewer asking an artificially intelligent robot named Phillip, after Phillip K. Dick, a few questions and ...
15 Most Advanced Robots in the World

15 Most Advanced Robots in the World

15 Most Advanced Robots in the World. From the most advanced robots ever invented for war to incredibly realistic androids made for entertai...
Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Tested Outside

Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Tested Outside

The Robots are coming! Boston Dynamics released this video of a successful test of their Atlas robot walking outside through the woods. They...
Buddy The Robot Wants To Be Your Friend

Buddy The Robot Wants To Be Your Friend

IT HAS BEGUN! An Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is underway for Buddy. A robot for the whole family to enjoy and help around the house. Is ...
15 Futuristic Technologies You'll See In Your Lifetime

15 Futuristic Technologies You'll See In Your Lifetime

From the possible colonization of other worlds to clothes that will automatically clean themselves when you step into sunlight, here are 15 ...
Meet The X-Finger

Meet The X-Finger

Meet the X-Finger. Its been around for a while, but this device allows diabetics and other finger amputees the ability to still have a fully...