Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

We have all heard about NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration that covers all thing to do with space research and explorat...
NASA Shuts Down Live Feed As UFO Enters Earth's Atmosphere

NASA Shuts Down Live Feed As UFO Enters Earth's Atmosphere

Did NASA shut down the live feed from the International Space Station as a UFO entered earth's atmosphere? Check it out! and check this ...
5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

From gorillas all he way down to monster crabs , Mars isn’t the barren wasteland you once thought it was. Its actually pretty mysterious pla...
5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

From lights shooting out of the ground to monoliths, here is a look at five mysterious photos caught by NASA on Mars. and check this out...
3 Earth Like Planets Discovered! Could Have Life, Water

3 Earth Like Planets Discovered! Could Have Life, Water

Researchers discovered a trio of planets orbiting a dwarf star. These planets are within the habitable zone. and check out our show from thi...
NASA’s SDO Captures Cascading Magnetic Arches

NASA’s SDO Captures Cascading Magnetic Arches

A dark solar filament above the sun's surface became unstable and erupted on Dec. 16-17, 2015, generating a cascade of magnetic arches. ...
Astronaut Scott Kelly Tweets Photo Of UFO From ISS?

Astronaut Scott Kelly Tweets Photo Of UFO From ISS?

According to Youtube user sonofmabarker, who uploaded this video on November 16th 2015. Last night aboard the International Space Station as...
The Sun In Ultra-HD (4K)

The Sun In Ultra-HD (4K)

Mamma always told me never to look into the eyes of the sun, but mamma that's where the fun Ultra-HD 4k video is.... and check out our r...
NASA Releases 1st Set Of High-Resolution Images Of Pluto From New Horizons Spacecraft

NASA Releases 1st Set Of High-Resolution Images Of Pluto From New Horizons Spacecraft

This movie is composed of the sharpest views of Pluto that NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft obtained during its flyby on July 14, 2015. The pi...
NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

NASA has confirmed that there is liquid water flowing on Mars! These dark streaks in the above photo are from flowing water. Check out the f...
New Close Up Images Of Pluto

New Close Up Images Of Pluto

NASA has released these new close up images of Pluto. These images have researchers scratching their heads about its distant past. Check out...
New Close Up Views Of Ceres 'Bright Spots'

New Close Up Views Of Ceres 'Bright Spots'

Let the speculation begin! These new images from the Dawn spacecraft of the Occator crater and its 'bright spots' were just released...
The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp Returns

The Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp Returns

The Fortean Slip Episode 87 This week Chris and Steve talk about the newest sightings of the Lizard Man. They also discuss new bigfoot foota...
The Moon Is Surrounded By Neon

The Moon Is Surrounded By Neon

NASA scientists sifting through the data collected from the LADEE spacecraft have discovered that there is neon in the moon's thin atmos...
5 Most Mysterious Photos from the Moon

5 Most Mysterious Photos from the Moon

UFO sightings, aliens, a secret moonbase and a NASA conspiracy theory... presenting the 5 most mysterious photos from the moon. and check ou...
First Detailed Image Of Pluto

First Detailed Image Of Pluto

NASA has released this image from the New Horizons spacecraft. This image gives us our first detailed look at the dwarf planet at the edge o...
Has a ghost been spotted on Mars ??

Has a ghost been spotted on Mars ??

The NASA photo appears to show a shadowy spirit gliding across the surface of the planet. YouTube user UFOovni2012 spotted the female gh...
NASA Shuts Live Video Feed As Massive UFO Appears (video)

NASA Shuts Live Video Feed As Massive UFO Appears (video)

UFO hunter Toby Lundh is causing a stir among alien UFO believers with the claim that on Jan. 6, 2015, NASA cut abruptly its live stream a...
Suspicious Light Beam on Mars excites UFO Hunters (video)

Suspicious Light Beam on Mars excites UFO Hunters (video)

An image transmitted from Mars to Earth by NASA's Curiosity rover has some alien enthusiasts seeing the (artificial) light about the p...