Showing posts with label Fortean. Show all posts

Snowbeast Slaughter

High in the rugged wilderness of Colorado's Rocky Mountains a large hairy creature is said to be preying on the elk and frightening resi...

New England Ghost Still Searching For Her Lover

Haunted History - New England, ghost stories throughout the history of New England.

America's Most Haunted Places - Unexplained Mysteries

Unexplained Mysteries documentary on the most haunted places in America. The scariest and most frightening haunted houses and buildings in t...

Paranormal Files: The Loveland Frogmen

The Loveland Frog is a legendary humanoid frog described as standing roughly 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, allegedly spotted in Loveland, Ohio. A loc...


Here is an older documentary put out on the Discovery Channel about ghosts and ghost encounters. Does Abraham Lincoln roam the white house? ...

Oliver Williams - The John Titor Time Travel Story

Here is an interview with Oliver Williams on The Moore Show talking about the story of John Titor. Was John Titor a real time traveler or ju...

Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids

With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost p...

The Beast Of Bray Road - The Legend

This is a collection of images and newspaper clippings related to dogman sightings. Are they the dogman? You be the judge.

5 Incidents That Prove Elves Could Exist

Do elves exist? Or did they exist in our past? This video looks at five instances of elves in history which may prove they exist. Or does it?

Bigfoot Urinates On Campers In Roanoke Virginia

Here is a sighting account from the files of the BFRO of a bigfoot that got too close for comfort with some campers in Virginia.

Alien High Priest Found In Mona Lisa, Bigfoot Taxidermy And Mission To Mars

The Fortean Slip News 61 This week Chris and Steve look at an alien high priest found in the Mona Lisa painting, a bigfoot taxidermist and t...

Bigfoot Crossroads - Kirk Brandenburg Interview

Bigfoot Crossroads interviews avid bigfooter Kirk Brandenburg.

Michigan Dogman Sightings And History

The Fortean Slip Rewind..... The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 43 Today Chris and Fred look at the Michigan Dogman sightings and history. This web...

Alien Abductions And Time Travel, Are They Related?

The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 45 Today Chris and Fred talk about alien abductions and whether or not there is a connection with time travel. T...

Alien and UFO Government Cover Ups

The Fortean Slip Rewind..... The Fortean Slip 54 Now That I Have My Cover Ups I'm A Big Boy Episode. In the wake of Boyd Bushman's d...

10 Reasons We Still Haven't Met Aliens

Even though sighting reports are made all over of UFO's, and people claim to be abducted by aliens the world over, why is it that we as ...

Close Encounter Over Sized Gnomes Visit Couple In Wisconsin

A couple is visited by over sized gnome like creatures they swear were spacemen. Here is there story.

One Man's Encounter With Indrid Cold

Often associated with the events that surround the Mothman stories, here is one man's account of his meeting with Indrid Cold.

The Birth Of The 13th Leeds Child, The Jersey Devil

The shocking story of the legend of the birth of the 13th Leeds child, The Jersey Devil.

7 Legendary Lost Worlds Shrouded in Mystery

Did a whole civilization disappear in one day? Is there a place on earth where everything is covered in gold? Here are 7 legendary lost worl...