Showing posts with label Evil. Show all posts
10 Children Who Killed Their Own Parents

10 Children Who Killed Their Own Parents

Here is a look at ten children who killed their own parents. and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.


Sometimes evil can come in packages that we don't consider. In these cases it came in the form of children. What do you think? Can a chi...
10 Most Evil People in History

10 Most Evil People in History

I am always fascinated with the idea of whether or not people are "evil". Can evil be a real thing inside of people? These people ...
15 Youngest Killers Ever

15 Youngest Killers Ever

Oftentimes we want to keep our children safe from monsters, but sometimes its the children themselves that can be monster-like. Can a child ...
5 Most Evil Children In The World

5 Most Evil Children In The World

Whenever I see a child committing a heinous crime I am always confronted with the idea of inherent evil. Does it exist? Can a child be evil ...
15 Ghost Stories That Turned Out To Be Real

15 Ghost Stories That Turned Out To Be Real

From a forest of restless souls to a haunted theatre, here are fifteen bone-chillingly convincing accounts of ghosts and the supernatural.
America's Most Haunted Places - Unexplained Mysteries

America's Most Haunted Places - Unexplained Mysteries

Unexplained Mysteries documentary on the most haunted places in America. The scariest and most frightening haunted houses and buildings in t...
10 Most Evil Children

10 Most Evil Children

Can humans be inherently "evil"? Is it a case of nature or nurture? From children who have murdered several people to 10 year olds...
The Shocking True Story Of Mandy The Haunted Doll

The Shocking True Story Of Mandy The Haunted Doll

Mandy was donated to the Quesnel and District Museum anonymously by a woman too terrified to have her in her home anymore. Is Mandy haunted?...
10 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

10 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

From mysterious ghostly figures captured on film, to unexplained apparitions on group photos, here are 10 of the creepiest ghost photographs...


Here is an older documentary put out on the Discovery Channel about ghosts and ghost encounters. Does Abraham Lincoln roam the white house? ...
The Shocking True Story Of Harold The Haunted Doll

The Shocking True Story Of Harold The Haunted Doll

In 2003 a man posted a doll for sale on ebay claiming that it was haunted. This is his story.
7 Most Terrifying Vampires From Around The World

7 Most Terrifying Vampires From Around The World

Consider the following 7 vampires, taken from the traditions of 7 different countries, which, even by the standards of our ancestors, manage...
Are Demons Real?

Are Demons Real?

Nearly half of all Americans believe in demonic possession, In the last 40 years, there have been thousands of exorcisms carried out by the ...
The Creepy Legend Of The Flying Dutchman

The Creepy Legend Of The Flying Dutchman

A ghost ship that makes the Southern Capes forever treacherously tempestuous..? A metaphor for the terrifying gales and hurricanes that roam...
8 Terrifying Fairies From Cultural Folklore

8 Terrifying Fairies From Cultural Folklore

We often picture fairies as those little human-like beings that fly around surrounded by their little sparkly auras. They are usually depict...
5 Creepy Voodoo & Witchcraft Stories

5 Creepy Voodoo & Witchcraft Stories

From the story of Robert the doll to a curse placed on a woman by a gypsy, today we step into the world of paranormal activities with the to...
5 Ancient Curses Still Haunting People Today

5 Ancient Curses Still Haunting People Today

Do you believe in curses? Dare to cross these 5 ancient curses, and you will regret it...
The Shocking True Story Of Annabelle The Doll

The Shocking True Story Of Annabelle The Doll

Annabelle, the movie, is based in some part in truth. The real Annabelle doll lives in a locked box at Warren’s Occult Museum. The doll in t...
The Secret World Of Exorcisms

The Secret World Of Exorcisms

Exorcisms have occurred throughout history. Are people becoming possessed by demons that need an exorcist to banish them? Take a look at the...