Showing posts with label Cryptid. Show all posts

Man Kidnapped and Lives With Bigfoot For 3 Days - BCS

Albert was a prospector in British Columbia and had been on an epic trek to locate a secret gold stash had been having his camp invaded by s...

Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

From the Mothman to the Metepec Creature, here are fifteen of the strangest unidentified creatures ever found. and check this out.

5 Mysterious Creatures Claimed to be Caught on Google Maps - Dark5

Aliens, angels, demons, ghosts, and Bigfoot... Dark5 presents 5 creepy and mysterious unexplained creatures caught on Google Street View. an...

The True Story Of The Fouke Monster

Stories of bipedal humanoid creatures terrorizing people capture the attention of many a cryptid seeker. In May of 1971 the Fouke Monster ma...

Juvenile Bigfoot Caught Chasing Kids In Northern California - BCS

Marvin and his family had lived on the edge of the Sierras for several years. Living in the valley below the huge mountain tops was an adven...

Strange Figure On Wildlife Camera - Classic Breakdown

What the is this? A fairy? An alien? A vampire? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a closer look at this. What do you think? and check this o...

Mantracker Bigfoot Video - Classic Breakdown

Was there some kind of Sasquatch type creature seen on the TV show, Mantracker? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown sent this classic breakdown int...

Incredible Bigfoot Footage - Classic Breakdown

Here is another classic breakdown from Phil Poling over at Parabreakdown. What is that dark figure walking in the woods? Do you believe? and...

Top 10 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed

Is truth stranger than fiction? Find out about the real creatures that inspired the mythical beasts seen in fairy tales... and check out our...

Mothman Caught On Camera In Argentina? (Breakdown)

This image has been being toted around as the mothman caught on camera in Argentina. Well Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look to give u...

Terrifying Tales Of The Dogman Part 2

In part 2 Vic Cundiff and the boys of Bigfoot Outlaw Radio discuss more terrifying encounters with the Dogman. To check out part one click h...

Top 5 Loch Ness Monster Sightings

Here are five Loch Ness Monster sightings for you to check out. What do you think? and check out the the story of the Charles Mill Lake Mons...

Shocking Dogman Encounters and Sightings

The Fortean Slip 94 The I Love Me A Good Werewolf Movie, Matt Episode. This week the boys look at the movie Howl and werewolves and dogmen a...

Mapinguari - Cryptids and Monsters

The Mapinguari, Mapinguary or Isnashi, is a legendary cryptid resembling a six-feet tall ground sloth-like creature with red fur living in t...

The Ozark Howler - Cryptids and Monsters

The Ozark Howler, also known as the Ozark Black Howler, is a legendary creature that is purported to live in remote areas in Arkansas, Misso...

Prince Edward Island Bigfoot (Breakdown)

In June of 2001 while shooting a scene for a movie, these gentlemen recorded something black and furry bolting from the treeline and running...

Bigfoot Chasing Car In Colorado (Breakdown)

If you haven't seen it yet, there is a new Bigfoot video running around the interwebs taken from inside a car at a backup camera screen....

Bigfoot Kidnaps Native American Woman On The Cherokee Reservation - BCS

Check out this story of a Native American woman being kidnapped by Bigfoot on the Cherokee Reservation. and also check out the story of The ...

Bipedal Creature Frightens Hunters In The Swamps Of Louisiana - FBS

 In 1963 Harlan Ford and his friend Billy Mills ran into a creature in the swamps of Louisiana known as the Honey Island Swamp Monster. This...

Tanker Truck Hits And Kills A Bigfoot On I90 In Idaho - BCS

A tanker truck driver name Tray had a run in with an unknown animal while making a haul along interstate 90 in Idaho. and check out our show...