Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts
Man Captures Mothman On Camera

Man Captures Mothman On Camera

Could this be the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia? A man who declined an on camera interview stated that on Sunday November 20th 20...
Top 15 Scary Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera By YouTubers

Top 15 Scary Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera By YouTubers

From the 'Brick House Ghost' to 'The Strong Poltergeist' Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the scariest ghost sightings caug...
American Loch Ness Monster Video Going Viral

American Loch Ness Monster Video Going Viral

Craig McCaa, of Alaska's Bureau of Land Management, caught on video a creature moving in the Chena River in Fairbanks, Alaska. Could thi...
Footage Captures Bigfoot Creature Walking Through Waterfall - Breakdown

Footage Captures Bigfoot Creature Walking Through Waterfall - Breakdown

Last night I posted this footage of a supposed Bigfoot walking through a waterfall. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took some time out of his b...
Bigfoot Creature Caught On Camera Walking Through Waterfall

Bigfoot Creature Caught On Camera Walking Through Waterfall

What is this creepy jungle giant? Film shot deep in Indonesian forest shows a huge creature walking upright under a waterfall. What do you t...
5 Terrifying & Convincing Videos of Ghosts Caught On CCTV Cameras

5 Terrifying & Convincing Videos of Ghosts Caught On CCTV Cameras

From a ghost at a car wreckers in the United States, to what many say is a ghost standing on the side of the road that caused a Japanese tax...
Sasquatch Caught On Eagle Cam - Breakdown

Sasquatch Caught On Eagle Cam - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at footage caught on an eagle cam of a supposed Bigfoot. What do you think? and check out our show...
Mysterious Clown Sightings

Mysterious Clown Sightings

Creepy clowns have been popping up all over the US and even the UK. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this phenomena. Check it ou...
Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Desert

Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Desert

The Fortean Slip Episode 125 This week Chris and the fellas look back on the last 3 years of the show. They also check out a Bigfoot spotted...
Woman captures ghost of a child waving on camera (video)

Woman captures ghost of a child waving on camera (video)

Louise Murphy and her son Owen visited the Riverside Museum's Victorian-themed street and were shocked to discover they had a captured ...
5 Mythical Creatures Caught On Tape

5 Mythical Creatures Caught On Tape

Unexplained Mysteries looks at 5 mythical creatures caught on tape. Check it out! and check this out...
5 Haunted Dolls Caught On Tape Moving!

5 Haunted Dolls Caught On Tape Moving!

Unexplained Mysteries presents 5 haunted dolls caught on tape moving. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
4 Terrifying Bigfoot Encounters Caught on Camera

4 Terrifying Bigfoot Encounters Caught on Camera

Bigfoot; a creature that has been spotted countless times throughout the ages and has managed to spark debate all over the world. It's u...
20 Creepy Ghost Photos That Should Not Exist

20 Creepy Ghost Photos That Should Not Exist

No matter where you are in the world, there will always be sceptics when comes ghosts and goblins, and fair enough right? never the less, th...
5 Scariest Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 Scariest Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

Sometimes, within our Earth, there are certain "Things" that are totally unexplainable. Research after research, and yet science c...
5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Pieces Of Footage Caught By NASA

We have all heard about NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration that covers all thing to do with space research and explorat...
Top 15 Shocking & Horrifying Things Caught On Tape At Night

Top 15 Shocking & Horrifying Things Caught On Tape At Night

From 'The Rake Creature Sighting' to 'The Ghost of Gettysberg', here are fifteen shocking and horrifying things caught on ta...
Navy Veteran Captures Video Of Champ Lake Monster

Navy Veteran Captures Video Of Champ Lake Monster

Did a Navy veteran from Vermont capture the Champ lake monster in this video? Take a look and decide for yourself. and check this out. THIS ...
5 Very Scary Events Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 Very Scary Events Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

From the 'Wingate Hotel Ghost' to the 'Carlisle Hotel Ghost', here is a look at five very scary events caught on camera. Wha...
20 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

20 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

From the figure of a young boy dressed in white that peeks around corners to spy on any lurking photographers to mysterious faces appearing ...