Is a Florida radio station haunted ? (video)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) -- Does Big Moose have a new ghost friend?

The WTXL ABC27 Sunrise Traffic Anchor and 103.1 The Wolf on air personality first shared his story Tuesday morning about hearing strange voices of a little girl asking him "Can you hear me?".

This happened, Moose says, while he was alone at his radio studio preparing for his television traffic cut-in. The strange happenings continued. Doors opening and closing.

Computers turning on and off by themselves. Then came what was first noticed by floor director Liston Davis. Could we see Big Moose's new ghostly friend? It appeared to be an orb that appeared during Moose's traffic hit.

Big Moose explains "As legend has it, the Fresh Country 103.1 The Wolf studios are haunted. Years ago, this was a residential house. The bedroom, that is now the actual Wolf studio, had a brother and sister jumping on the bed. The Brother pushed the sister and she went head first thru the window eventually dying.

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