Showing posts sorted by date for query A Haunted House Series. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Renters in Pennsylvania flee their haunted home (video)

There is a house in Lackawanna County where no one is currently living. The house looks like it could sit in nearly any community in northe...

Another "Haunted House" for sale. Who's with me,..I'm in

Real estate agents rarely lead with the line “Soooo, the house is haunted.” In fact, unless every horror movie ever made got it entirely w...

Western Washington haunted house gets international attention

BOTHELL — A Western Washington home is getting international attention now that a pair of scientists from England have flown in to collect...

Top 10 Gettysburg ghost heavy spots Gettysburg 150 years

We asked Gettysburg Ghost Tours, After Dark Investigations, Haunted Gettysburg Ghost Tours, Ghostly Images of Gettysburg and Mark Nesbitt...

Five most haunted places in Mumbai ‘the city of dreams’

Mumbai is also known for its many structures that remind us of the colonial past and some structures are said to be sinister or ghostly in ...

The true story behind the movie The Conjuring (videos)

James Wan’s latest foray into the haunted house genre leads him straight into The Conjuring which is “based on a true story” about the Perr...

10 Paranormal Movies "loosely" Based on True Events (video)

Movies based around the paranormal have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Thanks to Paranormal Activity , the paranormal...

Couple photograph "Ghost Baby" in livingroom

A couple claim their house is haunted after capturing what they believe to be an apparition of a baby ghost on camera. Shocked John Gore, 43...

Most Haunted in New York City

Ghosts of murder victims, suicides and spinsters roam Gotham. No wonder it's the city that never sleeps. As if it wasn’t enough that we ...