Showing posts with label Sighting. Show all posts

Bigfoot Creature Filmed At Barrington Quarry In Western Australia - Breakdown

Check out this odd creature caught on tape in Western Australia. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and gives us his ...

Alien Or Demon Shot By Farmer - Breakdown

Is this the clearest video of La Tunda every shown? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives us his thoughts. What...

Shocking Dogman Encounter On Alaskan Property

Corey shares his encounter with the Dogman. Corey loves spending time in the outdoors. He loves to camp, fish, hunt, and do pretty much anyt...

Mysterious Creature Caught On Tape In Thames River

Here is a look at video evidence of a mysterious giant creature caught on tape in a river. The video, which was recorded on a mobile phone b...

Man Claims To Have A Bigfoot Trying To Run Him Off His Land

A man in Tehama County, California, claims that Bigfoot has taken up residence in the woods behind his home and is trying to evict him. What...

Bigfoot Stalks Florida Horse Ranch

Darlene is a rancher who specializes in show horses, and has toured all over the country showing them. She really knows her stuff. That'...

Pascagoula Alien Abduction 1973

On October 11th 1973 while fishing on the Pascagoula River, Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker had an encounter with strange beings. This is ...

Woman Encounters A Werewolf in Vermont

A 24 year old Vermont woman shares her frightening encounter with what she can only describe as a "real-life werewolf". Her encoun...

Strange Creature Startles Man On Search For Mothman

A man investigating the Mothman phenomena and the area around the abandoned TNT bunkers comes face to face with a creature he could not expl...

Bigfoot Terrifies Logger In Remote Section Of Northern California

A logger working in a remote part of Northern California had a chilling encounter with Bigfoot. This is his story. and check this out...

Shocking Dogman Photo Caught On Camera - Breakdown

This photo was posted by Joe Black on September 20th 2015. Does it show the Dogman? Chris York of The Fortean Slip takes a look and gives us...

Bigfoot Cornered In West Branch, Michigan??

This video was uploaded to youtube by dementedpix. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look at it and gave his thoughts. What do you think? ...

Bigfoot Throws Rock At Man In Klamath County Oregon

In 2012 Charlie Norton had an encounter with a Sasquatch. This is his story. and check this out...

UFO Sighting Caught On Tape? This One Will Blow Your Mind - Breakdown

Here is a look at an old UFO video by Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. Hope you enjoy. and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

Bigfoot-like Creature Boards A UFO And Flies Away

In 1980 in a remote section of the Andes mountains, two men encountered a bigfoot-like creature as it boarded a UFO and flew away. This is t...

Ohio Grassman Encounter July 4th 2012

On July 4th 2012 in Morgan County, Ohio a couple had an encounter with the Grassman. This is their story. and check this out...

First Sasquatch Captured On Video - Breakdown

Did this man capture a Bigfoot on camera backing away from him? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown gives us his take. What do you think? and check...

10 Year Old Boy Sees Pterosaur-Like Creature

A ten year old boy in New Mirpur City, Pakistan claims to have seen a pterosaur-like creature. While on a family trip the boy spotted the cr...

Father & Son Walk Past Hiding Bigfoot

Is this footage caught by a father and son the real deal? You decide. and check out this story...

Interesting Light Formation Seems To 'Cloak' Over Pacific Ocean

This light formation captured over the Pacific Ocean seems to cloak. Is this a UFO or some other strange light phenomena? Take a look and de...