Showing posts with label Sighting. Show all posts

Bigfoot Researcher Utah Sasquatch Footage Examined

The Fortean Slip 118 This week Chris and the fellas look at the footage from Utah Sasquatch and his credibility in the field of Bigfoot rese...

Bigfoot Caught On Drone Footage In Idaho

This is a possible bigfoot running towards the trees then vanishing in them. 25 seconds into the video you can see it running on 2 legs. Wha...

Bigfoot Terrorizes Children Alone In Home

Children alone at home encounter a creature in Washington state. This is the story of The Bald Hills Creature. What do you think? and check ...

Robert Dodson's Face Of Bigfoot. Zoomed/Stabilized

Analysis of footage from Robert Dodson showing the possible face of bigfoot. Zoomed and stabilized. Check it out and decide for yourself. an...

Bigfoot Sighting in Utah Payson Canyon On Scene Research

The Paranormal Review goes on the scene to do some research into the Bigfoot sighting in the Payson Canyon in Utah. Check it out! and check ...

Oncology Surgeon's Bigfoot Encounter While Fishing In Arkansas

This Doctor went on a fishing trip with a friend and had an encounter with Sasquatch. The Arkansas area had had a drought and the Bigfoot wa...

Bigfoot In Dry Forest Photo Breakdown

Is this picture of a bigfoot or sasquatch real? or is it fake? The Paranormal Review takes a look at this photo and gives us their thoughts....

The Crandell Campground Bigfoot Incident

Beyond Creepy looks at a bigfoot encounter in Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada. What do you think? and check this out. THIS W...

Analysis Of Bigfoot Footage (Commentary)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage of a supposed Bigfoot and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and check this...

Scared To Death! Hiker Films A Real Bigfoot!!

Did this hiker film a real Bigfoot? Check out this footage and decide for yourself. and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.

The Phoenix Lights Abduction

Beyond Creepy looks at a case from Tucson, Arizona in which a man was nearly abducted (or possibly was, but with no memory of it) on the sam...

Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

A meteor lit up the skies over Arizona early Thursday morning while also breaking the sound barrier and creating a sonic boom. Check it out!...

The One-Eyed Bigfoot Of Tangipahoa Parish

Beyond Creepy takes a look at the strange case of the one-eyed Bigfoot of Tangipahoa Parish. What do you think? and check this out...

Unbelievable 10 Foot Tall Louisiana Dogman Encounter While Hunting

The Dogman or Werewolf in Louisiana is known by most old timers and they can tell tales of these monsters in the swamps. Mike Edwards and hi...

Logger Terrified By Bigfoot In Remote Section Of Northern California

A logger had a terrifying encounter with sasquatch in a remote section of Northern California while working clearing trees. This is his stor...

Real Dogman Encounter In Eastern Texas

The Fortean Slip Rewind... Chris and Steve are joined once again by Matt Knapp to talk all things dogman. Matt relays a sighting report of a...

The Return Of The Lizard Man

Chris and Steve talk about the newest sightings of the Lizard Man. They also discuss new bigfoot footage out of Bluff Creek, a cloaked figur...

10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

People the world over claim to have had encounters with strange beings from other worlds. Who or what are they encountering? Note: These sto...

Logging Truck Hits Strange Creature On Dirt Road

While hiking this person saw a logging truck hit a creature that they could not explain. The experience would change them forever. This is t...

Bigfoot Attacks Travelers In The Mountains Of Vermont

In the early 19th century, a stagecoach full of passengers was traveling by Glastenbury Mountain near Bennington, Vermont. This is their sto...