Showing posts with label Report. Show all posts

Bigfoot Terrifies Logger In Remote Section Of Northern California

A logger working in a remote part of Northern California had a chilling encounter with Bigfoot. This is his story. and check this out...

Crazy UFO Sighting From Plane Over Nevada

Photos of a disc-shaped craft taken by an airplane passenger in Nevada created a huge buzz in the UFO community, UFO bloggers are saying tha...

Bigfoot Sightings Of 2015

Here is a collection of  Bigfoot sighting accounts from this year for you to check out including the 911 call that a woman made recently abo...

Top 5 Loch Ness Monster Sightings

Here are five Loch Ness Monster sightings for you to check out. What do you think? and check out the the story of the Charles Mill Lake Mons...

Campers Haunted By Bigfoot Enounter Years After It Happened - BCS

Marty, Steve and Jerry wanted to go camping for a week near Yosemite National Park. Backpacking and hiking the trails seemed like a fun adve...

2 Men Attacked By Bigfoot While Investigating A Sighting Report In Washington State 2015 - BCS

Jack and George were Bigfoot investigators in Washington State near the Canadian border. They received an encounter report from a farmer jus...