Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

The Mystery of "This Man"

People the world over have seen this man in their dreams. Who is he? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown gives us a look at who it might be...... k...

7 Mysteries Science Can't Explain

Here is a look at seven mysteries science can't explain. What do you think? and check this out...

The 10 Most Amazing Facts About Dreams

From women and men dreaming differently to dream control, here is a look at ten of the most amazing facts about dreams. and check out our sh...

Top 10 Horrifying Facts About Nightmares

In the Top 10 Horrifying Facts About Nightmares, we delve deep into those haunted visions that keep you up at night. Find out here about the...

15 Common Nightmares That Are Actually Warnings

From being trapped in a tight place to having your naked body scrutinised, here are fifteen of the most common nightmares. and check out the...

Top 10: Questions Left Unanswered By Science

When you take a minute to think about it, there are so many things we still don’t have definite or even well-substantiated answers for. From...

Dreaming The Future, Lucid Dreaming And Dream Imagery

The Fortean Slip Midnight Rendezvous 2 Dreams And The Dreaming Dreamers Who Dream Them Episode. This week Chris and Skyla talk about dreamin...

10 Weird Facts About Dreams

We have up to five dreams a night but are lucky if we can even remember one of them, so what is actually going when we dream? From what chee...

7 Major Scientific Discoveries Made in Dreams

Inventors and artists will often say that they are not sure where their ideas come from. Some will even say that its like someone is working...

Man Telepathically Communicates Messages

The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 48 The Telephone, Tell A Friend, Telepathy Episode. This week Chris and Fred talk about telepathy, ghosts and te...

The Shocking True Story That Inspired A Nightmare On Elm Street

The true story that inspired Wes Craven to make A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Psychologist Manipulates Dreams By iPhone App

A psychologist has created an iPhone application to help people manipulate their dreams by playing pleasant 'soundscapes' during slu...


Beyond Creepy looks at three cases involving dreams. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.